Energyman Mailart Archive
39 Alexandra Road
Ipswich Suffolk IP4 2RI
United Kingdom
Michael Lumb
Date founded
Approximate number of works
No idea
Approximate yearly additions
No idea
Organization/display methods
Received mailart, whether sent to me by the originator or passed on to me as unwanted mailart, is all treated the same way. Each 'package' is inspected and then divided into the following categories:
GENERAL (includes artistamps, artistsbooks, mailart zines, audio tapes, CD-ROMs, computer disks)
MAIIARTISTS' PROJECTS (inculdes Robin Crozier's Memos, Ryosuke Cohen's Brain Cell, Chain letters)
MAIIART WRITINGS (includes books, writings on Ray Johnson)
OTHER WORK (all other received work, including envelopes etc. sorted into alphabetical order and stored in filing cabinets. There is always a residue of work waiting to be allocated a place in a filing cabinet, this is kept in cardboard boxes.)
MY RETURNED PROJECTS (includes stampsheets, Enegry Journals)
DOCUMENTATION (includes notebooks, record cards, and computer databases)
Public access
No policy, no ads, no website.
Approximate yearly cost
No idea
Relation to larger institutions
What is your motive for maintaining the archive?
Truly no idea!