Marilyn R. Rosenberg Collection
67Lakeview Avenue West
Cortlandt Manor, Nevv York 10567
Marilyn R. Rosenberg
Date founded
Early '80s
Approximate number of works
Not counted, many artists' books, mail art, books, postcards etc.
Approximate yearly additions
Very fevv the last year
Mail art, mostly Chuck Welch, David Cole, and some others, Lord Byron! Artists' books not as large, some 'zines.
Organization/display methods
Stored, not displayed, in archival boxes, alphabetical.
Public access
Have not opened it up as yet - no one of interest it seems.
Approximate yearly cost
Relation to larger institutions
Very small archive - more a collection. I want to place this archive.
What is your motive for maintaining the archive?
I keep what vvas sent in mail art. I make artists' stamps - they interest me. I make artists' books, so they interest me, as do their show catalogs.