Archive of Artistic Visual Experiments and New-Dadaistic Activities
Heidedamm 6
Dr. Klaus Groh
Date founded
Approximate number of works
about 6,000 works and memorabiles
Approximate yearly additions
Mail-art: postcards, stamps & rubber stamps, original and prints, envelopes, letters, small texts and slogans, drawings, paintings and collages in small sizes (maximum DIN A4 = 21 x 29 cm), mail-art invitation cards and papers, stickers small objects, poems, readymades, and similar post transported matters.
Organization/display methods
Alphabetically: names, countries, genres. It is in three rooms in my basement.
Public access
Just for research reasons. No museum like open days, visiting by pre-announcements by telephone. The house you can see at http://www.kulturserver-De/homes/LITERATURIUM
Approximate yearly cost
Corresponding, exchanging materials, answering letter questions and finding new collecting boxes etc. - a year about $2,000 U.S.
Relation to larger institutions
Cooperating with the University of Bremen, there: Easteuropean Institute. I have organized exhibitions in different places in whole Europe.
What is your motive for maintaining the archive?
It is important and I am waiting for a collector or another which will buy it. I would like to sell all that!!!